Monday, February 1, 2010

So what does a 46 year old unemployed woman do to find purpose? I guess we start a blog. Let me back track - Single mom of 3 boys, they are grown. Lost my job in June, due to bad economy. I have worked hard all of my life, raising children after a divorce and working full time. At one point I even was going to school as well; I was only able to pull that off with the help of my wonderful Mother, who I should tell you has Alzheimer's.

I find myself, without a job and without much reason to get out of bed in the morning. I mean how much laundry can one person generate? After that is done - what else is there? Certainly no money to spend on all of those wonderful things I have always dreamed of doing.

So I am giving myself purpose by blogging. I will report on things like my job search, recipes, family and anything else I can figure out to fill up my day. It is my hope that blogging will give me a bit of purpose, a bit of accountability. I mean I can't hardly report that I spend the day watching reruns of "Everybody Loves Raymond" - what would you think of me? (Thanks Mom - I am plagued by that question every day of my life)

So for now - thank you who ever you are - for holding me accountable to living my life!

More tomorrow - Lisa