Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year

One of my many resolutions this year is to post with a bit more regularity.   Not because I believe anyone is actually reading this thing, but because I believe that writing is good for the soul. 

So without further ado -


1.  Go to Weight Watchers Meetings each week.  I  missed the first week
2.  Exercise 30 minutes a day.  It has been a rough first week back at work after the holiday
3.  Clean out my car each week.  Right now it is filled with coffee cups and candy wrappers
4.  Do one load of laundry each day.  Not one load this year
5.  Do 30 minutes of chores each day after work.  Not this one either
6.  Take my lunch every day.  I have taken it each day but I have gone out anyway - emotional eating see number 2
7.  Go to bed by 10 and get up at 5.  It is 10:15 right now
8.  Drink 8 glasses of water a day.  Drank 32 oz of Diet Coke instead
9.  Blog with more regularity. Off to a great start!

As I type this I am embarrassed to say the least.  But I do believe that not one of these goals is unreasonable if I work on discipline.  I guess that I could sum all of these goals up with a number 10.  Have more discipline in my life. 

I might just be the most undisciplined person I know.  Dog gone it!  I let my emotions carry me away every time.  If I have a bad day, well who wants to do chores after that, or work out for that matter.  If I have a great day,  I should celebrate my joy and do something fun!  If I work hard, I need to relax.  If I slacked off, why exert the effort. 

I dream of a day when I have my to do list which includes everything on the list above and I plug through the day checking things off as I go.  I would be so organized, I would feel so proud.  I wouldn't have time to be interrupted by a phone call, or distracted by a squirrel in the back yard, or whip up some of Dan's favorite cookies unless it was charted and part of the plan. 

Hmm - maybe not! 

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